
Just a quick post to say that I have moved out of my apartment (and still looking for a place, thus homeless), so internet access will be intermittent for a little while, but will endeavour to post more over the holiday season now that I have less packing and cleaning to do.

Had a play around with Wordle at work today, and created this graphical representation of Obama's victory speech, the bigger the words the more often they were said during the speech. It's interesting to see how these sorts of things end up. Try out different speeches or song lyrics to get interesting results.

Click the image below to see a larger version


F6's Editor said...

Best of luck on the housing search, please stay safe.

. r o s s . said...

look forward to seeing more posts comin up buddy. good luck with house-hunting.

Sozo's Blog.com said...

Good luck with the search, I know you'll find something soon.