5 Cent Coins

Here is an Australian 5 cent coin:

The Australian 5 cent coin is pretty worthless. It is worth only a little more than a penny, and apparently it is starting to get close to being worth less than the metal it is made from. Australia stopped production of 1 and 2 cent coins almost twenty years ago for exactly that reason.

So here's the story. I regularly go to this convenience store near my work for snacks or drinks or the like, and recently they've decided to stop giving 5 cent coins in the change. It's not an official signposted policy of the convenience store, but it's happened a number of times, so I figure that it must be some sort of trend.

Have any other Australians experienced this?
Is this a wide spread phenomenon?
Is the 5 cent coin being phased out by the public?

Is this sort of thing happening elsewhere around the world? Do North Americans round things to the nickel? Do the British round things to 5 pence? Do Europeans round things to 5 euro cents?

Getting back into blogging

So I'm getting back into the robmuch stuff (YouTube, Twitter, etc.) and figured I should get back into blogging as well!

YouTube News!
I've just been accepted as the new Thursday on the5guys channel, and I'm really excited about that, hopefully it will be great fun to be involved!

Posted a new robmuch video, just updating YouTube with what's going on in my life and why I've been absent for a couple of weeks. Check out that video below.

Also, a few days ago I posted a new robnscotty video, check that out below.

TheFiveOfaKinds Guest Spot

This week I got the opportunity to be the fill in person on the fantastic YouTube channel, TheFiveOfaKinds, and had to make a video re-enacting a favourite scene from a tv show or movie, and the result of that can be seen in the video below.

I also put up an audition to be a permanent member of the channel, so I would love it if you could check out my audition video here and show your support for me to be the newest member of the channel.

New robnscotty Video

Here's my newest video on robnscotty. I talk about Australia's reaction to the 9/11 attacks, what my passion is in life, and my question for Scotty is "Who would you choose to be in your impossible music festival?" Feel free to answer the question yourself and leave comments either at the bottom of this post or head over to YouTube and leave a comment below the video there.

Thanks for watching!

Click here if you haven't already subscribed to robnscotty


Click here if you haven't already subscribed to my personal channel, robmuch

12 year old Rob

12 year old Rob

Not really, this was actually taken in 2007 when I was 20 years old, but it makes me look 12.

I'm actually just testing out the Flickr to Blogger thing and seeing how well it works

Thanks for reading!

Back in the library...

So I am back in the library for another day of study, listening to Beethoven's 9th to try and make me smarter. Don't know if it's working, I guess we'll see during the exam tomorrow...

Tomorrow's exam is for the subject Steel Structures, mostly a design subject (maths design, not the fun designing you might be thinking of). So for the exam we have to deal with designing structures for tension, compression, bending, and also a combination of bending and compression. We also have to design connections.

If you are still reading I congratulate you, and I reward you with a hilarious video of a bedtime story from one of my favourite YouTubers kaysea81

OH! And a reminder to sponsor me for Movember if you haven't already

***click here to sponsor***

Pace Bailey

Here is a kid who has his head and his heart in the right place. He is intelligent, socially aware, tolerant, accepting and is only 14 years old. This generation will have a lot of influence in the world one day, and it's only a matter of time before allies (straight supporters of gay rights) like him start voting and make some real change in the world.

I personally cant wait.

Until then, we have to support the tolerance that these kids are learning, so check out his video on Prop 8 and leave a comment, subscribe and let him know that we appreciate his support.

I cant study...

I cant study because I don't feel any urgency to study
I don't feel any urgency to study because I don't get stressed about my subjects
I don't get stressed about my subjects because I don't care about my subjects
I don't care about my subjects because I don't enjoy my subjects
I don't enjoy my subjects because I'm not passionate about my subjects
I'm not passionate about my subjects because I'm not passionate about Engineering
I'm not passionate about Engineering because I don't want to be an Engineer
I don't want to be an engineer because I don't know what I want to do...

Study Week

So this week has been study week, and my first exam is on Thursday. I've been a little absent in posting any blogs lately because I've just been so drained from studying, even though it feels like I've done hardly any study at all...

I'll be posting a short video later this afternoon talking about the bans on gay marriage in the States this week, so look out for that

Back to pretending to study!


My current flatmate is moving back home at the end of this year to save some money for travel and an exchange and investing etc, and it means that I have to consider what I'll be doing for the summer holidays and into next year.

Currently I'm considering a few different options:
  • Find a 1 bedroom place and live on my own.
  • Find someone to move into the place I currently have, in place of my current flatmate.
  • Find someone to move into a new place.
I've had 2 different flatmates over 2 years and I don't particularly want the hassle of finding someone else. But I'm pretty attached to my current place, and it would also be a hassle to find a new place and to move everything I have to the new place. But the current place is pretty big and a little expensive and so if I moved I might be able to find something smaller and cheaper.

I really love living close to the city and close to uni so I wouldn't want to move too far away either, which would keep the prices relatively higher than elsewhere...

Lots of things to think about. Anyone provide any thoughts? What is living on your own like?


Happy Halloween to all my American readers! (and anyone else still celebrating)

Here were some of my favourite Halloween YouTube videos this year